The launch of PMNCH's Digital Advocacy Hubs marked a significant milestone in our mission to create the world’s most comprehensive digital advocacy platform for women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health and well-being.
Through these Hubs, PMNCH partners can now actively network, collaborate on projects both nationally and globally, share valuable knowledge and resources, and engage in various other activities aimed at advancing our shared goals.
This innovative platform provides partners with access to high-quality, timely information, empowering them to develop crucial skills, expand their networks, and enhance their capacities for effective advocacy across PMNCH's three focus areas: Maternal, newborn, and child health; sexual and reproductive health and rights; and adolescent health and well-being.
We invite PMNCH partners to sign up and take advantage of the opportunities for collaboration and engagement.
Sign up here: https://hubs.pmnch.org/